Continuing in 1 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes reminds us that our key duty as Christians is to love and care for others. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Pastor Andy Hawes gives a message of encouragement needed for all fathers: let's stand firm in our faith for the benefit of ourselves, our families, and ultimately our nation. TBC…
Continuing through 1 Corinthians, Pastor Andy discusses the age old question of our will versus God's will. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Pastor Andy Hawes continues a look through 1 Corinthians and shows the incredible fear-conquering power of faith. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Continuing through 1 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes shows practical wisdom and what we can expect in the Christian life. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Continuing through 1 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes reminds us that we are only on earth for a little while, and heaven is our future. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like