Pastor Andy Hawes continues through 2 Corinthians and challenges us to keep popularity contests out of our Christian lives. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Stepping back into 2 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes reminds us about the nature of our spiritual battle. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
We resume our look through 2 Corinthians, and Pastor Andy Hawes gives Scriptural points on how to reap in abundance. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
We take a look at 1 Chronicles and talk about how to develop a thankful heart. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Continuing through 2 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes talks about the importance of sincere living and giving. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Pastor Andy Hawes continues through 2 Corinthians, and he talks about the importance of showing and giving grace to others. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like