In our exploration of 1 Corinthians, Pastor Andy Hawes looks at chapter 14, which encourages believers to encourage others. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Pastor Andy Hawes examines the so-called "love chapter of the Bible," Corinthians chapter 13. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
We continue our look through 1 Corinthians, and Pastor Andy Hawes talks about finding unity in our different spiritual gifts. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like
Of all the gifts we can receive, perhaps the most significant ones are the Spiritual Gifts the Holy Spirit gives to believers. Pastor Andy Hawes explores these incredible gifts as…
In our study we see the importance of prayer and how Satan tries to distract, deter and discourage believers from using this powerful piece of armor. We also see the…
We are back in 1 Corinthians, and Pastor Andy Hawes describes the value and importance of the Lord's Supper. TBC Bible Church Together Becoming Christ-like