Fellowship Luncheon
Join us following the morning worship for a simple lunch, fellowship and singing. Each family brings a simple food item to share. This event meets in the church basement. (There is no evening service on these Sundays.)
Picnic & Hymn Sing
Activities will begin at 4:00 pm, followed with dinner at 5:00 pm. Hymn sing will be at 6:00 pm. Event will be over at about 7:00 pm. There will be a bounce house for children through 12 yrs.
Fellowship Luncheon
Join us following the morning worship for a simple lunch, fellowship and singing. Each family brings a simple food item to share. This event meets in the church basement. (There is no evening service on these Sundays.)
Prayer for Prodigals Prayer Meeting
This will be held directly after the morning worship service in the basement. Following a bag lunch, the group will have a prayer meeting for loved ones who are away from the Lord.
Afternoon Gathering
The morning worship will be followed with a bag lunch and a time in the Word. Brian Etter will share a challenge from God’s Word with us. Come for a time of fellowship and to be encouraged in the Word.
Fellowship Luncheon & Hymn Sing, noon
Following the worship hour there is an afternoon fellowship meal and hymn sing. During our afternoon gathering we will fellowship over a luncheon and then enjoy singing hymns of our faith. Join us for this time of encouragement and worship.